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Mailing address:
P.O. Box 98 Marine on St. Croix, MN 55047
(Please write your email address on checks)
Simply send payments to @stcroix360.
Bank transfer:
It’s simple to set up a recurring transfer with your bank, you just need a couple pieces of information from us. Please email greg@stcroix360.com and we’ll provide the necessary details.
Foundation/donor advised fund:
St. Croix 360 partners with 501(c)3 nonprofit ArtReach St. Croix as our fiscal agent to accept contributions from family foundations, donor advised funds, and similar sources. Please email greg@stcroix360.com to set it up.
Please note: St. Croix 360 is not a nonprofit and your contribution is not tax deductible.
Thank you to all our supporters!
2024 Contributors
St. Croix Circle
($60+ per month)
- Peter and Mary Gove
- Neville Family Foundation
- North Woods and Waters of the St. Croix Heritage Area
- Joan Beaver and Doug Seitz
- Thomas Kedrowski
- Bill and Maureen Lundquist
- David Odegard
- St. Croix Valley Foundation
($30 per month)
- Joan and David Bowlin
- Loralee and Gene DiLorenzo
- Katie Fredell and Gregory Elsner
- Kimberly Chapman LaFrence
- Tony Beyer and Andrea McCready
- Catherine Nelson
- Rick Neville
- Tom and Dianne Polasik
- Jim Seidl
- Helen Sullinger
- Jessica Turtle
- Monica Zachay
- Anonymous (3)
($15 per month)
- Ryan and Seannie Cochrane
- Alana Cuellar
- Guillermo Cuellar and Laurie MacGregor
- Tracy Maki and John Dybvig
- Ted Eastlund
- Sarah Lilja
- Jack and Jeanne Matlock
- Renee
Patnode - Irene Qualters
- Liz Templin and Mike Roberts
- Maureen Schenck
- Bill Simpson
- Deb Vermeersch
- Wendy Ward
- Anonymous (1)
- Pamela Arnold
- Alyssa Auten
- David Borchert
- Mary Bauer
- Barbara Bend
- Robb Blaylock
- B.T. Music
- Christopher Charlsen
- Jim Cox
- Kim Dupre
- Tom Elko
- Randy and Kathy Ferrin
- Thomas Fraser
- Todd and Erin Gardner
- Dan Guenthner and Margaret Pennings
- Steven Kinsella
- Muriel Hackney
- Jay Hatch
- Steve Havig
- Susan Hedin
- Doug and Paula Hemer
- Mark Hove
- Evanne Hunt
- Mike Isensee
- James Johnson
- Julie Kilpatrick
- Allan Klein
- Bonnie Kloos
- Angela Knudson and Paul Creager
- Andy and Karen Kramer
- Sally and Richard Leider
- Jim Maher and Gayle Knutson
- Eleanore Maurer
- Sheila Maybanks
- Susan Miles
- Win Miller
- Garth Morrisette
- Gary Noren and Marty Harding
- Fr. Mark McNea
- Kevin and Jody Nyenhuis
- Tom O’Brien
- Tom and RaeAnn Palmer
- Craig Paukert
- John Pazlar
- Anne and Peter Reich
- Stephen Scallon
- Maureen Schenck
- Thorne Seese
- Heidi Shanklin
- Jim and Dianne Shiely
- John Siekmeier
- Angela Simonson
- Victoria Slagle
- Pamela Smith
- Nancy Speer
- Mary Steinberg
- David Stephens
- Anya Szykitka
- Matt Thueson
- Kristin Tuenge
- Trillium Garden Design and Maintenance LLC
- Jason Ulrich
- David Valentine
- John and Marynel Ryan Van Zee
- Douglas Williams
- Randall Clary Lisa Etzwiler
- Anonymous (1)
($5 per month)
- Mike Addy
- Pamela Ampferer
- Nancy Beck
- Rebecca Bohlmann
- John Bowlin
- William Brown
- Jim Cox
- James M Deeny
- Laurence Dorau
- Valoree Dowell
- Jane Eastwood
- Angie Eckel
- Karen Engelbretson
- Daniel Engstrom and Barb Coffin
- Nancy Etzwiler
- Mary Fernstrum
- Hank Fischer
- Brenda Franklin
- Donald Frantz
- Mike and Linda Gallagher
- Nancy Gipple
- Craig Hamer
- Ian Harding
- Sarah Hietpas
- Beth Honetschlager
- Sean Hoppes
- Dana Jackson
- Steven Johnson
- Lisie Kitchel
- Michael Lavalley
- Joel LaVenture
- Suzanne Lindgren
- Heather Logelin and Marc Prokosch
- Jennifer Malmberg
- Emilee Martell
- Claire McCarty
- Brad Mcdonnell
- Deidre Mead
- Barb Medinger
- Corey Mohan
- Craig Murphy
- Barbara Nelson
- Milinda Nitti
- Curtis Oien
- Kristin and Andy Palmer
- Diane Peavey
- Jeff Peterson
- Philip Plumbo
- Carolyn Porter
- J Pritschet
- Aaron and Charlotte Przybylski
- Matt Quast
- Linda Radimecky
- Dave Ringwald
- Ryan and Lily Rodgers
- Joshua and Olivia Rutherford
- Heather and Andrew Rutledge
- Joshua and Olivia Rutherford
- Sam Schillace
- Konrad Schmidt
- Claire Simonson
- Daric Snyder
- Gary Solomonson
- Jeff Stonehouse
- Stephen Suby
- Katherine Swanson
- Kirsten Szykitka
- Anne Tisel
- Greg Van Erem
- Penny Van Kampen
- Frank Vardeman
- Linda Wadsworth
- Ken Walls
- Graham Webster
- Lawrence Whitaker
- Margaret Wieners
- Dan and Ruth Willius
- Jeffrey Willius
- Tyler Winter
- Ann Wolff
- Kate Wright
- Zoe and October Yates
Everything is appreciated!
- Janice Anderson
- Tama Almquist
- Ann Bellows
- Theodore Benson
- Edward Bieno
- Gary Bergquist
- Madalyn Blake
- Doug Blanke
- Kirk Bloomquist
- Christine Brandt
- William Brown
- Robin and Gregg Brooksbank
- William Bucholz
- Dave Burrill
- Kristen Campbell
- Patrick Collins
- Brian Crist
- Tim Crom
- Bruce Deger
- Ward Denaway
- Edward Dike
- Emily Ford
- Thomas Gag
- Virginia Gaynor
- Diana Gentle
- Clara Gilbertson
- David Gregg
- John Harford
- Robert Hasel
- Nora Holt
- Edward Hommema
- Brenda Ingersoll
- Gae Jarvis
- Ann and Andy Kirn
- Mark Klapatch-Mathias
- Cindy Klatt
- John Klein
- Dominic Krueger
- Thomas Leach
- Josh and Steph Leonard
- Robert Luck
- Gordon Maltby
- Allison Mcginnis
- Margot Monson
- Marceleen Mosher
- Kien Nguyen
- Diane Nikkel
- Terry Quesnel
- Thomas Reiter
- Dan Rosedahl
- Karen Schik
- Jon Schimnowski
- Elena Shaw
- Kevin Shields
- Joe Shumway
- Lyndon Torstenson
- Michelle Trudeau-Spanjers
- Ray Valley
- Tom Van Der Paardt
- Mary Porter
- Dianne Willer-Sly
- Thomas Warth
- Elizabeth Wood
- Anonymous (8)