9 million gallons of manure: Factory farm proposed near St. Croix tributary would make a lot of waste
More details emerge about proposed swine operation in northwest Wisconsin as officials consider new rules.
Hudson group promotes possibility of new park at mouth of Willow River
Acquiring a notable train trestle would be the first step in a long process to open up the area to cyclists and others.
River of Refuge: New book of St. Croix River essays now available
Follow adventures on the water and on the bluffs, tracing this year’s uncertain arc.
Bowfishing risk to St. Croix River could be reduced with reasonable rules
Researchers raise concerns about long-term outlook for the growing sport with few limits.
Scientists find dazzling diversity of aquatic insects in the St. Croix River
New study reveals a remarkable number of species.of tiny, delicate creatures that spend most their life underwater.
Canoeing down a river getting ready for winter
A November paddle reveals the habits of beavers, a low sun, and glassy waters.
Utility boxes in river towns become canvasses for artists to celebrate the St. Croix
More than a dozen drab objects have been painted to beautify communities and honor the river.
Storied and scenic property on St. Croix River bluff set to change hands
Large tract of undeveloped land along lower river will soon have new owners after decades of private stewardship.
As nation marks Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, locals on guard to protect St. Croix River
A pair of reports released this week explain the St. Croix River’s special qualities, threats to its health, and strategies to protect it.
Nature center adds first St. Croix Valley antenna to wildlife-tracking network
After months of effort, Carpenter Nature Center joins global system revolutionizing study of birds and other creatures on the move.