River rising rapidly, crests could be coming
Spring melt is in full swing and water is beginning to burst out of the banks.
Namekagon RV park proposal rejected due to incomplete application
Missing information caused county committee to deny Heartwood Resort’s permit request.
Afton State Park phenology, April 7 to 13
New nests and much more happening as spring slowly spreads.
Lower St. Croix communities prepare for possible major flood
Stillwater builds a dike as water begins to climb toward potentially historic levels.
Public invited to open house on Middle St. Croix Valley Regional Trail Master Plan
Planning underway for paved trail from Boom Site to Afton.
Afton State Park phenology, March 31 to April 6
Herons return to their haunts, frogs soon start to sing, and the first flowers are growing.
Afton State Park phenology, March 24 to 31
Spring has officially arrived, and signs of the season keep coming.