Afton State Park Phenology, December 22, 2023 – January 4, 2024
Birds come and go with the season, snow shows tracks, and a spruce spotlight.
Afton State Park phenology Dec. 8 to 21
Winter waterfowl, coyotes vs. foxes, and the wonderful white pine.
Afton State Park Phenology November 24 to December 7
Winter offers plenty of wildlife wonders.
Afton State Park Phenology, Nov. 10 to Nov. 23
Turkey time, squirrel coloration, sleeping snakes, and bur oak notes.
Afton State Park phenology, October 27 to November 9
The Full Hunter’s Moon, Jupiter visibile, bird migration, squirrel behavior, fungal changes, and diverse trees.
Afton State Park phenology, October 13 to 19
Signs of the season — from flowers to birds.
Afton State Park phenology, October 6 to 12
Migrants are on the move while everything else gets ready for winter.