In pursuit of prothonotary warblers
Paddling through flooded forest, I find one of my favorite birds.
Developer cancels plans for St. Croix Falls development
Green Halo owner cites community opposition in decision to abandon proposal.
St. Croix Falls moves forward with riverside development over objections
City commission approves re-zoning as neighbors say it would hurt community and river.
Pasture walk will highlight agricultural and environmental potential of livestock grazing
Event in northwest Wisconsin hosted by farmers who produce meat while protecting soil and water.
Poetry paddle: Sign up for the next St. Croix 360 guided kayak trip
Register to explore the river with expert guides and try your hand at writing haiku on June 18.
Northwest Wisconsin Lakes Conference offers presentations and more about region’s waters
Annual event brings together property-owners, scientists, and others to talk about a variety of subjects affecting area lakes.
Fourth-grade students take to the St. Croix River for history, nature, stewardship
Field trips provide students with access to the riverway while sharing the natural wonders and history of their national park.
Five years after massive manure spill, residents fighting for clean water
Big dairy in Willow River watershed dumped 300,000 gallons of manure into a wetland in 2017.
St. Croix Creature Feature: Prothonotary warbler
A brilliant little bird with a big confusing name finds its particular nesting needs along the St. Croix River.
Afton State Park phenology, May 27 to June 2, 2022
Baby birds and butterflies, frogs and toads, blooming flowers and fruit, and so much more.