Stillwater exhibit explores depth of human connections to water
‘We Are Water MN’ will immerse visitors in stories about relationships to the river and more.
Afton State Park phenology, October 6 to 12
Migrants are on the move while everything else gets ready for winter.
What’s next for Lily Lake? Delisting achieved, partners consider possibilities
Despite significant improvements to well-known Stillwater lake, conservation work continues.
Two Hudson men drown in St. Croix River boating accident
Authorities identify victims found near Troy Beach after empty boat was observed driving in circles.
Third-generation Pine County farmer recognized for conservation work
Randy Hinze of Pine City receives award for numerous projects to improve farm’s impact on water.
Clean water advocate wins local labor recognition award
Emerald, Wis. resident has worked tirelessly to protect community from water pollution.
Minnesota DNR accepting comments on final environmental impact statement for Grindstone River Dam removal project
Removing dam would improve safety and remove barriers to fish movement — and drain a small reservoir.
DNR to host public meeting to discuss potential trout stream regulation changes in Pierce and St. Croix counties
Agency to discuss possible new rules for Kinnickinnic and nearby creeks and rivers.
Report explains why groundwater levels have risen near Crex Meadows wetlands
Independent expert agrees that elevated aquifers are caused by increased precipitation.
Kinnickinnic River Land Trust to host nature, health, and equity events
New initiative seeks to break down barriers to nature’s many benefits.