Take Part in One-Day Namekagon River Photo Contest
Capture a “Day in the Life” of the St. Croix’s biggest tributary on October 5th.
Andersen Windows Boat Celebrates 75 Years
TV segment shines light on the custom craft, which takes guests on pleasure cruises – now that its submarine-hunting days are past.
St. Croix Falls AutumnFest Highlights River Town’s Heritage
Several events will celebrate the St. Croix River’s history and culture during the annual festival.
Taking the Brook Trout’s Temperature
Notre Dame biologists study how native fish could be restored to the Namekagon River watershed.
Conference Offers Presentations about St. Croix Science
The October 15th event will include presentations about everything from algae to archaeology.
Winners Announced for Annual Photo Contest
Online photo gallery shows water and wildlife, birds and beauty, in images captured by photographers young and old.
Donations Needed to Keep River Gauge Operating
Data from the Namekagon River gauge helps with trip planning and research, but is threatened by federal budget cuts.
Learn About Water Research in the Sunrise and St. Croix Rivers
Presentation at Wild River State Park will cover research and how to help.
Citizen Scientists Study the St. Croix
Water testing volunteers provide essential data to guide river clean-up.
Join a National Park Ranger for Sunday Morning Coffee Walks in September
Enjoy early autumn by exploring trails along the river on a guided walk.