Volunteers Needed for Namekagon River Cleanup
Start spring with some stewardship along the St. Croix’s biggest, wildest tributary.
Two Triathlons Will Feature St. Croix Paddling
Races in coming months will include running, cycling, and canoeing or kayaking on the river.
Changes Proposed to Lift Bridge Schedule
A public meeting April 16th will cover proposed reductions in weekday lifts and post-closure operations.
Snake River Water Quality Report Calls for Protecting and Restoring Lakes and Streams
Report says water in St. Croix River tributary gets dirtier as it goes downstream, and suggests actions to help clean it up.
Submissions Sought for Poetry Contest Celebrating Return of Migratory Birds
Be a part of a series of St. Croix Valley community events during a companion festival to one held in Costa Rica.
Wandering along the River on a Wintry First Day of Spring
Three poems, four photos, one video, and a bit of St. Croix River conservation history to mark the vernal equinox.
River Falls Considers Dam Removal on the Kinnickinnic
Group advocates for restoring natural flow to reveal famous falls and keep the water cold.
Video & Interview: Coyote and Swans on the Saint Croix River
The river’s quiet beauty was on full display for a St. Croix Falls photographer one winter evening.
Bill Would Restore Minnesota DNR Power to Preserve River Views
Legislation seeks to give back to the state agency authority to veto local variances.
Walter Mondale to Speak about Wild and Scenic St. Croix
Former vice president, U.S. senator, and ambassador who helped create Wild & Scenic Rivers system will speak March 27th.