Obsolete Septic Systems Spoil St. Croix Streams
Help is available for homeowners to prevent bacteria from contaminating their water.
This Old Log House: Scandia Struggles With Scale of Renovations at River Landing
Repairing erosion could diminish historic site’s rustic character and famous pines.
Man Drowns on St. Croix Near Rush City
A twenty-eight-year-old died Saturday after trying to swim across the river.
Mussel Mystery on the St. Croix
Scientists surprised by endangered species discovery in the St. Croix River.
Festival Features St. Croix’s Canoe Heritage
Wooden canoe includes free events and paddle trip in the Shell Lake area August 16-17.
‘Take Two Hours On The River And Call Me In The Morning’
New campaign seeks to improve health and happiness with outdoor activities.
Obscure Stories of the Oldest European Settlement on the Upper St. Croix
Northern Wisconsin town got its start as an Ojibwe village.
Memorable Moments at Workshop on the Water
Boat cruise was an inspiring venue to discuss practical stewardship practices.
Hooked on the River
Local kids discover wonders of the watershed on a canoe trip down the Namekagon.
St. Croix Canoeing Gets a Perfect ’10’
St. Paul newspaper reports that summer is in full swing at canoe outfitters.