Guest Post: A Guest In Nature’s House
Canoeing the backwaters and visiting the creatures that call the river home.
#4 – Urocyon cinereoargenteus
Up, down, and and off you go.
#3 – Waymarker
U R going to have to think about this one.
#2 – Gold star, trembling tree
The game is afoot, and X marks the spot.
#1 – Cyanocitta cristata
Start your searching with the first hint, and learn a little Latin along the way.
Tagged bighead carp leads DNR to two others in St. Croix River
Fisheries crews followed a tracking device embedded in a carp and found two more fish in Bayport.
Stillwater Lift Bridge summer lift schedule announced
Starting Tuesday, May 15, the bridge will resume regular raising to accomodate boats on the St. Croix River.
William O’Brien State Park wants to welcome people of all abilities
DNR seeks funding to provide a whole weekend worth of fun for wheelchair users and others at the popular park on the St. Croix River.
Federal policy change lets companies kill birds — as long as it’s not on purpose
Interior Department’s new interpretation of the law removes penalties for accidental bird deaths.
More than a pretty paddle: Namekagon River trip offers education and entertainment
Annual adventure offers lots of support to paddlers, as well as numerous programs to enrich the experience.