St. Croix 360 shares stories about the St. Croix River to inspire stewardship. It has existed and evolved since 2010. While we are headquartered along the lower river, we report from throughout the 7,700-square mile watershed in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Topics range from dragonflies to floods, from fishing to oil pipelines. History and nature and art all mingle in this region like the meeting of waters. Our philosophy is that people who love the St. Croix and its tributaries are all united by it, and we all want to see it healthy and wild.

Based on these shared values, we seek to share factual, accurate stories that depend on rigorous reporting and research, In addition to a large readership, St. Croix 360’s work has been published in numerous other outlets, and inspired significant media coverage.

About 3,500 people subscribe to our weekly newsletter, and our website is viewed approximately 20,000 times per month. St. Croix 360 is supported solely by readers. Please contribute today.

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St. Croix 360 was founded by Greg Seitz, a writer and river bum. I grew up in Stillwater and today live with my family in May Township, MN. I spend as much of my time as possible getting to know everything I can about the St. Croix.

Visit my personal website or read more about me in this Pioneer Press article from 2018:


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“Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding.” – Bill Bullard
