St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin awarded $4.977 million EPA grant

Funds will help tribe train workforce and improve energy efficiency and solar power systems.




2 minute read

The St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin (the “Tribe”) announces an award of nearly $5 million dollars from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The funds will be utilized for energy advancements and efficiency improvements, including conducting energy efficiency audits on residential and tribal buildings and for the construction of roof top and standalone solar panels for energy independence. The Tribe’s commitment to move towards clean energy began with the installation of solar panels on the roof tops of both their Fourwinds grocery store and Zhashagiins Event Center in Siren, Wisconsin, and continues with this Climate Pollution Reduction Grant.

“This is a big step towards what should be every person’s goal in ensuring the health of our planet as we know it. Reducing Green House Gasses (GHG) will increase the overall health of not only us as a species, but our planet. It takes all of us, and we need to continue to work together to achieve realistic and attainable goals. Tribal Nations have always been at the forefront of this fight, and we will not waiver,” said Jake Reynolds, Energy Coordinator for the St. Croix Tribe.

The grant dollars include monies for a workforce partnership with a technical school to recruit and train future technicians to conduct energy audits and maintain solar systems. The Tribe was one of 34 applicants selected from 110 applications. Under the Tribe’s plan, the impact on pollution reduction from energy initiatives and solar additions will total a cumulative equivalent of 4,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) for the first five years of the plan, between 2025-2030. The long-range goal is markedly higher, with an estimated 25-year cumulative reduction in GHG of approx. 17,800 metric tons of CO2.

“The St. Croix Tribe has made a significant effort to understand their existing energy infrastructure and identify renewable energy opportunities. This award is the result of effective leadership, planning, partnerships, and Tribal Program collaboration. It is a significant step in reaching their goals of energy sovereignty and reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” said Melanie Connor Johson, Grants Administrator for the St. Croix Tribe.

The St. Croix Tribe extends its thanks to WSB for their collaboration in the grant application.


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2 responses to “St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin awarded $4.977 million EPA grant”

  1. Cheri Avatar

    Good for them!!

  2. Rosie Hart Avatar
    Rosie Hart

    As a member I am truly grateful for great things for my people
