A local lumberjill is asking for help finding a missing log-rolling log near Stillwater. Jenny Anderson Atkinson put the call out via Instagram on Thursday, June 6:
Our log rolling log floated away this morning.
It is 6 feet long (15” diameter) and has carpet around the center…..definitely one of a kind.Looks similar to the photo, but not the actual log.
It was last seen Thursday, 8am stuck on a buoy near the Sawmill/Wolf Marina, but was off and floating shortly after.
I went on a search & rescue kayak mission from there to the River Boats south of the Stillwater bridge and back up the other side and couldn’t find it.
Might be floating down river or stuck on the bank someplace. Please keep your eye out for it and contact me if you see it.
Atkinson is hoping for a fast return; the log is needed to practice for the Lumberjack World Championships in Hayward, Wis. in eight weeks.
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One response to “Be on the lookout for a special log”
Find it soon before it gets waterlogged 🙂