The South Washington Watershed District (SWWD) seeks a creative fine art photographer to celebrate and document the landscapes, ecosystems, natural resources, and diverse inhabitants that call southern Washington County home. The lengthened term of the artist’s residency is designed both to allow exploration throughout the seasons as well as to remove arbitrary timeline limitations from creative project ideas.
SWWD is interested in discovering new ways of envisioning, connecting, and valuing its water resources, while recognizing different perspectives and ways of knowing. Through this program, SWWD hopes to incorporate unique ideas and views into SWWD programs and projects while promoting and achieving water quality improvement by providing visibility to the watershed and its natural resources.
RFQ and Submission Requirements
Submissions Due: July 21, 2023
Residence Term: 12 Months; (Sep ’23 – Aug ’24)
Stipend: $9,000 ($750/month)
Exhibition: Venue TBD; Fall 2024
Location: South Washington Watershed District, Washington County, Minnesota
Selection Notification: expected by Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Information/Q&A Session (via Zoom): Wednesday, July 12, 2023, 6:00 – 7:00pm
LINK: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/84667825535?pwd=WmJsd3VOQitTQXRNYzN1c09xNEl5dz09
Meeting ID: 846 6782 5535 Passcode: SWWD71223
Questions? Kyle Axtell, SWWD BMP Project Specialist, will serve as the residency coordinator and can be reached by phone at 651‐714‐3718 or by email at kyle.axtell@woodburymn.gov.