The National Park Foundation recently announced Wild Rivers Conservancy of the St. Croix & Namekagon as one of 41 park partner organizations to receive a Strong Parks, Strong Communities grant from the National Park Foundation, the official nonprofit partner to the National Park Service. This grant will enable Wild Rivers Conservancy, the official nonprofit partner of the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway, to increase interactions with the public and their capacity to advance both the Riverway and its organizational mission. The full list of grantees can be found on the National Park Foundation’s blog.
“The St. Croix National Scenic Riverway has over a million visitors a year, but with the lack of official gates and entrances, compounded by declining visitor center attendance, the challenge of creating meaningful visitor experiences grows,” said Deb Ryun, Executive Director of the Wild Rivers Conservancy. “This grant supports the visioning needed to create a mobile visitor center in the park to engage visitors from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds.”
The Strong Parks, Strong Communities grants help address nonprofit park partner needs most urgent to the parks they serve. The grants will enable partner organizations to invest in strategic planning, community engagement, improving visitor experience in parks, increasing organizational relevancy and resiliency, and launching new fundraising campaigns.
Strong Parks, Strong Communities is a collective effort to grow national park philanthropy across the country. Working together on this initiative, the National Park Foundation, National Park Service, and Friends Alliance enhance local philanthropic organizations, bringing park philanthropy to an elevated level. The Strong Parks, Strong Communities capacity building grant program is made possible by the National Park Foundation Board of Directors.
To learn more about Wild Rivers Conservancy, headquartered in Osceola, WI, and its partnership with the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway, visit wildriversconservancy.org.