The Stillwater Area Community Foundation (SACF) is offering up to $10,000 in grant funding for a program(s) focused on public health and safety in our local communities.
Focus areas for this fall Health and Safety Grant may include (but are not limited to):
- Conflict Resolution
- Violence Prevention
- Community Crime Prevention
- Surface Water and Ground Water Protection
- Environmental Health Issues
The grant program is open to individuals, businesses, groups and nonprofit organizations. Grant recipients must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, government entity, educational or religious organization defined as tax-exempt, or partner with an eligible fiscal agent.
The application opens on August 1, 2022 with an application deadline of September 30, 2022.
For additional information visit https://stillwaterareafoundation.org/grants/
The Stillwater Area Community Foundation encourages local philanthropy in response to local needs, advancing quality of life in Bayport, Bayport Township, Grant, Lake Elmo, Marine on St. Croix, May Township, Oak Park Heights, Stillwater, Stillwater Township and West Lakeland Township.