The Northwest Wisconsin Graziers Network invite you to a multi-enterprise pasture walk hosted by Anathoth Community Farm near Luck in Polk County on Saturday, June 11 from 10 a.m. to noon. Kicking off our new season of pasture walks ,this educational event will emphasize direct marketing, multi-species, regenerative agriculture, and watershed protection.
The Anathoth Community Farm is home to Mike Miles, Barb Kass, and their extended family. They raise fully pastured beef, poultry, and pork and do retail sales directly to customers. The farm consists of about 60 acres on gently rolling lighter soils with pastures and wooded areas. Using temporary polywire fencing and portable animal pens, Miles moves animals up to three times per day, thereby creating better soil health, water infiltration and diversified animal nutrition. Short term high stocking density grazing, out-wintering beef cattle and bale grazing will be discussed, along with answering any and all questions from pasture walk participants.
The farm has established key-line swales to harvest melted snow and rainwater run-off which could otherwise cause erosion. The swale borders are planted with various perennials both trees and shrubs. Forages are grown in the alleys. Silvopasturing include both partial clearing for grazing and establishment of trees in existing pastures. The farm features rotational beef grazing, pastured poultry, layers, broilers, and ducks, pastured hogs, and solar power that supplies electricity to the grid. The farm also uses a three-point, no-till seeder to inter-seed forage mixes and cover crops in heavy use areas.
The farm is located at 740 Round Lake Road, south of Hwy 48. From Luck, take Hwy 48 east 8 miles, turn right or south on County E, drive about two miles, then turn right on Round Lake Road. Drive about two miles to the farm. From Cumberland, take Hwy 48 about 12 miles, then turn left or south on County E. Watch for the signs. For more information, contact Mike or Barb at 715-472-8721 or Lynn Johnson 715-225-9882 at Northwest Wisconsin Graziers.