MnDOT is working in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to design the reconstruction of the Hwy 243/Osceola Bridge over the St. Croix River. Join us online to learn about the possible design options for the bridge and share your comments. Visit the project webpage to learn more and access the meeting.
Thu, March 3, 5 – 7 p.m.
Access the meeting
Passcode: Hwy243
Or Access via phone: US: +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799
Webinar ID: 948 5601 4779
Passcode: 742733
More about this project
The purpose of this project work is to maintain a reliable highway connection over the St. Croix River for Hwy 243 between Washington/Chisago counties in Minnesota and the Village of Osceola and Polk County in Wisconsin. The project team is working with federal, state and local interests to minimize reconstruction impacts to the St. Croix River and other natural resources in the area.
For more information, visit the Hwy 243 Osceola Bridge project webpage.