The South Washington Watershed District (SWWD) is submitting an [Environmental Assessment Worksheet] for the proposed Afton Alps Trout Brook Stream Restoration project at Afton Alps ski area and Afton State Park, Denmark Township, MN.
The South Washington Watershed District proposes to continue the ecological and hydraulic restoration of Trout Brook through the ski area and State Park in cooperation with Great River Greening (GRG), the
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and Vail Resorts Management Company (Vail).

The Phase III Trout Brook Stream Restoration Project will include remeandering portions of the channel, reconnecting the stream with its natural floodplain, and installing rock and woody riffles to enhance trout habitat and reduce incision, erosion, and sedimentation. One culvert will be replaced to provide for improved fish passage.
The EAW can be viewed on the South Washington Watershed District website at www.swwdmn.org.
The public comment period will be open until March 24, 2022. Comments can be submitted to:
John Loomis
SWWD Program Manager
2302 Tower Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125
(651) 714-3729