Three government units in northwest Wisconsin have taken steps recently to protect themselves from proposed confined animal feeding operations. During discussions of all the actions, officials mentioned they are taking the issue seriously because they are hearing opposition from so many citizens.
Polk County
The Polk County board of supervisors recently passed a resolution asking the state legislature to fully fund
“NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Polk County Board of Supervisors hereby urges the State of Wisconsin to adequately fund the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection so they can vigorously monitor and regulate all of the existing and future CAFOs to the fullest extent of its authority.”
The resolution passed 13-1, with only supervisor Doug Route voting against it.
Source: Osceola Sun
Burnett County
The county zoning committee has passed a recommendation to rezone parts of Burnett County for “unlimited agriculture,” the zones where CAFOs could be allowed.
“This is not what we wanted to hear but this is what state law dictates that they have to do,” KnowCAFOs reports. “They are not willing to buck the state law.”
The recommendations will next go to the full county board for approval.
Source: KnowCAFOs
Trade Lake
At a meeting this week, the supervisors of the township where Cumberland LLC has proposed a 26,000-hog farrowing facility took some significant steps. Several citizens spoke at the meeting, and the supervisors voted to move forward as quickly as possible enacting an operations ordinance to regulate CAFOs. They will attempt to have it in place by the end of the year.
The town is also joining a consortium of nearby townships working to protect themselves. The town attorney was also asked to send a letter to the sheriff and district attorney requesting an investigation of alleged bribery.
Source: KnowCAFOs