Via the St. Croix River Association:

Discover a new favorite activity or stretch of the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway this summer! SCRA Outside’s range of guided Riverway adventures includes something for every age and skill level. Join us to find your park in 2021, savor the sunshine and fresh air, and learn from expert guides.
Witness the marvel of migrating birds on Saturday, May 22 during our “Walk with Warblers Hike” along the Trail of Myths in St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin. Explore this popular pit stop for warblers on their migration route and practice your bird ID skills with the help of SCRA Naturalist Jeremiah Walters.
Our fully-supported day paddles offer a day on our wild and scenic rivers in a safe and fun environment, allowing you to pick the right trip for your interests and experience level. Upcoming trips include exploring the St. Croix’s Kettle River Slough on May 23, learning about the geology of the St. Croix on June 7, getting to know the turtles of the Namekagon on July 9, savoring a golden St. Croix sunset on July 20, and meeting the marvelous mussels of the St. Croix on August 15.
Have you wanted to learn how to kayak but didn’t know how to get started? We’ve got you covered with FREE learn-to-paddle events on Wednesday evenings throughout the summer! Join us at Wisconsin Interstate State Park and learn at your own pace on June 2, June 23, July 7, July 14, August 11, or August 18. (We’ll provide the gear, but please note that a WI State Parks Pass is required for entry.)
If a casual hike at the end of a work day is your favorite way to unwind, join us for an upcoming Naturalist Night event led by SCRA Naturalist Jeremiah Walters. Discover a hidden gem and become a naturalist for an hour or two. Upcoming locations include the Arcola Bluffs Trail (May 12), Franconia Bluffs SNA (May 19), Crystal Springs SNA (June 10), and the St. Croix Savanna SNA (June 24). Be sure to follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for details!
To learn more about these events and register, visit the St. Croix River Association: