Wisconsin environmental and agricultural groups will partner to push for clean water, thriving farms

New coalition will advocate for significant policy changes to protect lakes, rivers, and groundwater and support farmers.




2 minute read

Via the Dairy Business Association:

Farmland in western Wisconsin. (Greg Seitz, St. Croix 360)

Four environmental and agricultural groups are coming together to advocate for meaningful state-level policy changes that support clean water and resilient farms.

Clean Wisconsin, the Dairy Business Association, The Nature Conservancy in Wisconsin, and Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association announced the partnership today at a virtual press conference.

“The challenges facing our drinking water and farming community demand innovative solutions. While not always on the same side of policy debates, our groups have had a long history of advocating for these issues,” Mark Redsten, president & CEO of Clean Wisconsin, said. “We’re working together because it’s time we rethink how we protect our water while supporting our farmers.”

The partnering groups outlined four principles that will guide and inform their efforts to push for robust policy changes, including increasing well testing and well replacement funding, updating the state CAFO program, and bolstering current conservation efforts. The partnership hopes to be a catalyst for critically needed policies, the groups said.

“We all value clean water and we all want economically and environmentally resilient farms. Our groups recognize that caring for both is a shared responsibility,” Tom Crave, president of the Dairy Business Association, said. “Farmers are problem-solvers, and every day we are seeing more and more innovative conservation practices that protect and improve water quality around the state. Moving forward together with others who share this commitment will accelerate progress.”

“As the world’s population increases, finding ways to produce more food while protecting clean water will only become more challenging,” Elizabeth Koehler, director of The Nature Conservancy in Wisconsin, said. “Given Wisconsin’s prominent role in agriculture, our state will be an important part of the solution, and collaboration across the public, private and non-profit sectors will be critical.”

For too long, agricultural and environmental issues have been addressed as standalone issues, and policy disagreements have often led to conflicts and inaction on these issues, the groups said. As partners, they hope to change how the state approaches drinking water protection and farmer support.

“We can all agree that the status quo isn’t working for water in Wisconsin, nor agriculture,” said Matt Krueger, executive director of Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association. “Now, more than ever, there is real opportunity — and need — to develop a sustainable vision for both, going forward.”

Policy priorities:

  1. Ensuring clean drinking water
  2. Reimagining the CAFO program
  3. Supporting current conservation efforts and fostering innovation
  4. Improving Wisconsin’s non-point program

Full policy proposals.