The most-read stories on St. Croix 360 this year span the spectrum of what we try to cover: why the St. Croix is special, the challenges facing its future, and how you can help protect it.
A lot of people love the St. Croix and it seems like many want to read about those topics, too.
Clearly, industrial livestock operations are of great interest to our readers. The top two stories of the year were about such agriculture proposals, and the impact of existing facilities. Two more on the topic made the top 10.
It’s obvious that many people consider these to be a serious threat to the St. Croix River, its tributaries, and the people who live here. St. Croix 360 is committed to continuing to cover the issue as much as possible, always asking what’s best for the river.
On the lighter side, there are also articles about archaeological discoveries and new parks and public lands on this year’s list. The river has a long, rich human history, and it continues today with conservation and stewardship. It seems there has been a steady stream of new areas to explore opened in recent years, thanks to a lot of hard work and creative funding.
Without further ado…
New trail bridges St. Croix River and story of Swedish immigrants
Work this summer is extending options for walking and biking around Taylors Falls.
St. Croix County requests stronger DNR enforcement of factory farm violations
Officials request “full and quick enforcement” after repeated rule-breaking by Emerald Sky Dairy.
Polk County citizens say proposed factory farm regulations favor industrial agriculture
Community members call on officials to reject ordinances they say aren’t strong enough to protect people, land, and water.
Stillwater Lift Bridge will open for bicyclists and pedestrians on June 1
Historic bridge will begin a new chapter in its long lifespan on Monday at 8 a.m.
Stillwater asks what public prefers for new park on river
The city is now accepting comments to finalize a concept plan for the Aiple property, featuring extensive river frontage near downtown.

State plans to auction off scenic prairie on Bayport bluff
Volunteers have spent 15 years restoring site, but MNDOT is now moving to sell it.
Archaeologists find new evidence of early St. Croix River residents
Recent excavations have turned up tantalizing clues about prehistoric people.
Storied and scenic property on St. Croix River bluff set to change hands
Large tract of undeveloped land along lower river will soon have new owners after decades of private stewardship.
9 million gallons of manure: Factory farm proposed near St. Croix tributary would make a lot of waste
More details emerge about proposed swine operation in northwest Wisconsin as officials consider new rules.
Factory farm runoff contaminates creek in St. Croix River watershed, killing fish
Manure from CAFO in Willow River region flowed off field where it had been spread.
For a trip back in time, here are top 10 posts from years past:
2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011.