Via the Star Prairie Land Preservation Trust:

Tired of being cooped up? Want to get outdoors and enjoy the spring weather? Are you good at puzzles? Then try your hand at this year’s McMurtrie Medallion Hunt! You could even win some money!
The McMurtrie Preserve is a 63-acre tract of land along Cedar Lake near Star Prairie, Wis. that is usually only open to Star Prairie Land Preservation Trust members.
However, each spring a Medallion is hidden on the property. For the entire month of May, the property is open for public hiking to search for the Medallion!
This year the theme is a little different. Due to current circumstances, the SPLPT is offering a series of educational challenges for students, parents, teachers or community members to learn about nature, maintain safe social distancing and practice #ResponsibleRecreation.
McMurtrie Preserve (Greg Seitz, St. Croix 360)
Some challenges are harder than others… Once you’ve answered the challenge, just let us know! We’ll respond with a private message to confirm the answer and send you a secret hint to help you find the Medallion!
The prize is $300 for SPLPT Members and $200 for non-members. You are eligible for the Member prize by becoming a member before May 18.
Remember: Due to COVID-19, while on the property please maintain safe social distancing of 6′ or more. Follow all guidelines from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, CDC, and World Health Organization.