Guest photo galleries: Seasonal sights along the St. Croix

Photos by Rudi Hargesheimer share flowers, birds, and flowing water.




2 minute read

Rudi Hargesheimer lives in Marine on St. Croix and shoots photos all over the region, including Minnesota’s North Shore. Rudi was instrumental in creating the Superior Hiking Trail in the 1970s. He has a book coming out about the history of the trail this spring.

Thanks Rudi for sharing some recent photos, as well as previous work found on his website:

Spring 2020

More from the archives

May warblers

Top, left to right: Blackburnian, magnolia, yellow, chestnut-sided warblers
Bottom, left to right: Black-and-white, American redstart, palm, Wilson’s warblers


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One response to “Guest photo galleries: Seasonal sights along the St. Croix”

  1. Carol LeBreck Avatar
    Carol LeBreck

    Absolutely wonderful photos…a “bridge into Spring”!! Can it arrive soon enough?