Via the St. Croix Valley Foundation:

A COVID-19 Response Fund for the St. Croix Valley has been established as a collaboration between the St. Croix Valley Foundation (SCVF), United Way St. Croix Valley (UWSCV) and United Way Washington County East (UWWCE). The Response Fund will support community organizations responding to COVID-19 related needs in Chisago and Washington counties (Minnesota) and Burnett, Pierce, Polk and St. Croix counties (Wisconsin).
This COVID-19 Response Fund has been established to quickly get charitable resources where they are needed most, with an initial focus on the basic needs of those most significantly impacted by this crisis. Because this is a challenging time for local nonprofits, as many do not have the staff to meet growing needs and raise funds, this initial focus for the COVID-19 Response Fund will empower community members to help fill critical gaps to ensure people are getting the services they need.
The COVID-19 Response Fund is designed to help simplify a complex situation and answer the question “How Can I Help?” While donors are encouraged to continue their regular support of area nonprofits, the COVID-19 Response Fund will simplify giving and allow funds to be directed where need is the greatest.
How to give
Donors have many options for contributing:
- Give online at
- Checks can be sent to SCVF, 516 2nd St Ste 214, Hudson, WI 54016 (payable to SCVF/COVID-19).
- SCVF donor advised fund holders can recommend a grant to The St. Croix Valley Foundation with “COVID-19 Response Fund” as the grant purpose.
- SCVF can also accept appreciated stock and other assets. Call SCVF for assistance with those donations.
Regional focus of the response fund
The COVID-19 Response Fund for the St. Croix Valley will prioritize community-based organizations that serve Chisago and Washington Counties (Minnesota) and Burnett, Pierce, Polk and St. Croix Counties (Wisconsin).
The SCVF has ten affiliated community foundations (Amery, Chisago Lakes, Hudson, Lower St. Croix Valley, New Richmond, Northwest Alliance, Prescott, River Falls, Somerset and Stillwater) throughout the six-county region. If a donor chooses to designate a gift to one of those areas, SCVF will ensure that dollars are granted to support that community.
100% distribution
In a consolidated effort to help those most affected by COVID-19, the SCVF is waiving all administrative fees for the Response Fund. This means (with the exception of fees charged by banks/credit card companies) that 100% of a donor’s gift will be used to help those most affected by COVID-19 in the St. Croix Valley.
The Response Fund will be administered in multiple phases to address immediate and longer-term needs related to this crisis. During Phase One, priority will be given to organizations working to meet the basic needs of those most significantly impacted by this crisis. Phase One includes proactively identifying grant recipients using input, guidance and research from organizations and others in the community in order to make grant decisions. Future grant phases will be communicated as fundraising continues throughout the crisis, making it possible to quickly adapt to evolving needs.
The COVID-19 Response Fund will make grants to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, groups fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, or other charitable organizations able to receive tax-deductible contributions, such as schools and other public entities. This Response Fund is not currently able to fund businesses, or nonprofits with 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), or 501(c)(6) status.
The COVID-19 Response Fund is not able to provide grants to individuals. Instead, during the Phase One of grantmaking, staff will work to move resources as quickly as possible to those community-based organizations directly supporting those most affected by this crisis. For information about community resources for individuals and families impacted by COVID-19, contact the United Way at 211.
Organizations seeking funding
Eligible organizations should submit a brief online application form at
The grantmaking process
Grants from the Response Fund will be recommended by an advisory committee appointed by the SCVF, UWSCV and UWWCE. These appointees could include staff, board members, affiliated community foundation board members and/or other community partners of the SCVF, UWSCV and UWWCE.
A listing of grantees will be published on the websites of St. Croix Valley Foundation, United Way St. Croix Valley and United Way Washington County East websites.
In the unlikely case that all funds contributed are not able to be distributed to COVID-19 response efforts, any remaining balance will be granted evenly to the UWSCV and UWWCE to support future basic needs grantmaking.