Via the Snake River Canoe Club:

May 2, 2020, 9:30am
The race starts at the County Road 3 bridge east of Highway 65. Canoeists can park adjacent to the finish line area just north of the Kanabec History Center in Mora (six blocks west on Forest Avenue from Union Street, the main street in town).
Buses and canoe trailers will transport you and your canoe to the start. The first buses will leave at 7:00 a.m. and the last buses as well as the last canoe trailer leaves at 8:30 a.m.
Race Day Registration will be available at the Kanabec History Center from 7 to 7:45 a.m. and then at the Start from 8:30 am to 9:30 am.

If you drive to the starting area you must make your own arrangements to get your vehicle back to the finish area.
All canoes and kayaks will be started and timed by color-coded waves. The course is about 24 kilometers long. Mean gradient throughout the course is 5 feet per mile. Rapids are generally all Class I. Winning time is usually about two hours, and the average finishing time is about three hours.
The top three overall canoes or kayaks of the race receive medals. Medals will also be given to first, second and third place finishers for men, women and mixed teams in each of five age groups for both Citizen Class divisions.

Official timing ends at 2:00 p.m. due to the beginning of the award ceremony.
The club has a limited number of aluminum canoes for rental. The price is $50.00, which includes paddles and life vests. These canoes can be picked up at the start area just before the race and dropped off at the finish line, so you don’t need to transport them. Online Canoe Rentals
For more information contact Gary or Carol Hushagen 320-333-8970, 320-679-1838 or E-mail:
In accordance with MN law, PFDs (personal flotation devices) are required for each paddler. Children under 10 must wear them at all times. If conditions warrant, we will highly recommend that people wear them.
If you have a question about the size of your canoe and the class you should enter, measure your canoe and decide the class before you enter. If you are still in doubt, call or email the following individuals.
Rita Sundberg, 612 201-6681,
Pat Gorham, 320 267-3276,