A bald eagle that got tangled up with another eagle and injured during an aerial fight more than two months ago recently returned to wilds of the St. Croix Valley. St. Croix 360 reported in July about the rescue operation by local boaters, Washington County Sheriff deputies, the Raptor Center, and others.
While one of the two birds — which were struggling in the water, their talons locked together — flew away after being separated, the other was injured and weakened by the encounter, and taken to the University of Minnesota for rehabilitation. It suffered from what veterinarians called “severe” puncture wounds to its legs and body.
This week, the bird was given a clean bill of health. On the bluffs of the St. Croix River at Carpenter Nature Center, one of the people who saved the eagle was given the chance to release it back into the wild. Andy Kirn and his wife Ann of Marine on St. Croix were enjoying an evening on their pontoon boat when they saw the trouble and responded.
Here is media coverage with video of the rescued eagle’s release:
Join as the University of Minnesota’s Raptor Center releases rehabilitated raptors to the water, prairie and forest of the Carpenter St. Croix Valley Nature Center. Visitors will enjoy watching 4-6 wild birds of prey take to the air after being rehabilitated by The Raptor Center’s veterinarians.
The FREE event starts at 10:00 am, with bird releases at 11:00 am. There are many other fall activities to do as well. For more information follow the link or call 651-437-4359.
Booth and activities include:
- Hayride and visit to Carpenter Nature Center’s apple orchard
- Hands on science experiments with the 3M Wizards
- Book signing with Phil Fitzpatrick, author of Hawks on High: Everyday Miracles in a Hawk Ridge Season
- 3M cookie giveaway
- Minnesota Dragonfly Society
- Minnesota Ornithological Union
- Washington County Master Gardeners
- Wild Ones, St. Croix Oak Savannah Chapter
- National Camera Exchange with binoculars and scopes
- Nuttin Like It! roasted nuts
- Lions Club, selling brats
Please note that the event will go on rain or shine. Event is free, with some food items for purchase. No pets please.