Final clues released in Star Prairie medallion hunt, prize awaits in private preserve

First person to solve the riddles and follow them to the secret location will win cash reward.




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Via the Star Prairie Land Preservation Trust:

McMurtrie Preserve, Star Prairie, Wis. (Photo by Greg Seitz, St. Croix 360)

Saint Croix-area super sleuths, there is still time to compete in this year’s McMurtrie Medallion Hunt.

All month long we’ve been releasing perplexing puzzles to help you explore the McMurtrie Preserve (2368 County Hwy M, Star Prairie, WI 54026). Whether you’ve been playing along with us from the beginning, are stuck on week one, or haven’t even started, the medallion is still hidden and could be yours for the taking.

All the puzzles are online, and the final clue will be published this afternoon. After that, you will have all the information you’ll need to unlock the medallion.

If you’re thinking the idea sounds fun, but the competition level is already too high, that’s okay too! We’re going to leave the puzzles up and the preserve open until the end of May (next Friday), so get out there and explore this Memorial Day weekend. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be $200 richer when it’s all over.