Thank you to everyone who has already contributed to St. Croix 360’s first-ever fundraising campaign. The response has been very encouraging. If you have not yet donated please do it today — your support is needed to sustain the site.
If you love the river and like reading about it every week, please consider a contribution.
The first 20 contributors at or above the Kinnickinnic River level ($5/month) will be named Founding Supporters. We are halfway there, with 10 slots still open. Please pledge your support at this link.
Leading the way
These generous readers have already contributed, thank you:
St. Croix Circle
- Loralee DiLorenzo
Kettle River contributors
- Angela Anderson
- Ryan and Seannie Cochrane
- Lee Lewis
Apple River contributors
- Steve Despiegelaere
- Daniel Engstrom and Barb Coffin
- Marty Harding and Gary Noren
- William McKeown
- David Pauley
Kinnickinnic River contributors
- Guillermo Cuellar and Laurie MacGregor
- Rebecca Davis
- Randy and Cathy Ferrin
- Donald Frantz
- Suzanne Lindgren
- Katy and Jeremy McDearmon
- Curt Oien
- Heather and Andrew Rutledge
- Ken Walls
- Pre-launch: River Croix – Laurie Allmann and Carol Caouette, Connie and Lyle Helke, John Goodfellow and Kitsi Vadheim
- Henry Fischer
- Michael and Linda Gallagher
- Connie Hess
- Dana Jackson
- Carolyn Porter
- Pamela Robb
- Lisa Schlingerman
- Rebecca Vincent
- Wendy Ward
Thank you again!
[su_button url=”https://www.stcroix360.com/support/” size=”7″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”5″]Support St. Croix 360 →[/su_button]