Tropical Wings, Inc., will award grants of up to $1000 to individuals, businesses and organizations in the St. Croix River Watershed to preserve and restore migratory bird habitat.
If you are interested in applying please complete and return the application below by March 15, 2019. Projects will be selected by April 15, and we ask selected projects to send a representative to our Bird Celebration Friday evening May 10th at the Phipps Center for the Arts in Hudson, WI to formally receive your funds.
We also ask for a representative to attend our annual meeting in the fall to display a tri-fold poster board and answer questions from annual meeting attendees.
Grants will be awarded based on efforts that directly benefit migratory birds and their habitat.
Click here to download the grant application (Word doc).
Tropical Wings is a non-profit 501c3 organization composed of volunteers supporting education and conservation for Neotropical Migratory birds through the Sister Parks Agreement between National Parks in the Upper Midwest and Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula.