The Scandia city council is collecting citizen feedback on the future of historic Log House Landing. The city, which owns and maintains the landing, has struggled with how to maintain its rough and rural characteristics, while accommodating increased traffic over the past several decades.
While the entire site was subject of a controversial plan to pave and modernize it in 2014 and 2015, that proposal was ultimately blocked. The current considerations are about the boat ramp, which has erosion problems. The city spread trap rock on the ramp last year, which stabilized the erosion but made for a very unstable surface.
At a hearing next week, elected officials will listen to comments by interested individuals. Comments can also be provided by email or letter.
The options are:
- Leave the ramp like it is
- Widen and pave the ramp using landscaping and concrete planks
- Provide carry-in access only
- Close the landing altogether
The city notes that even if the ramp is closed to recreational boat launching, it would still be made available for rescue vehicles.
“This decision will only affect the ramp that leads from the landing to the water. It does not concern the road or landing,” the city said in its announcement. “However, the option selected will determine future usage, development and preservation of the site.”
Plans for the road and landing are slated for discussion later in the year, and will depend on the decision about the ramp.
A citizen group appointed by the city worked intensively in 2014 and 2015 to study the issue. Steve Kronmiller, who is now on the city council, served on the committee. He has provided a summary of its work which is available at this link (PDF).
The most recent proposal to pave the ramp would expand the existing footprint to 82 feet by 20 feet – nearly double the current width in some places.
The Friends of Log House Landing – the citizen group which successfully stopped a proposal to pave the entire site in 2015 – is advocating to prevent overdevelopment of the landing.
“We are completely opposed to Option 2 – the expanded concrete ramp, and believe that this design will forever change the Log House Landing as an historic and rustic treasure,” the organization wrote.
After many months of looking for alternatives and analyzing the options, we believe that the Carry-In Option will best protect this beautiful site from both erosion and over development. It will allow access to the greatest number of users and cost significantly less than building a concrete ramp.
The group has launched a petition with It has much more information about the different options and their pros and cons.
The group notes that boaters have a better launch one mile downstream at William O’Brien State Park. It has a large, gradual ramp, a very large parking lot, picnic tables, drinking water, and other amenities. Hunters and anglers can even get access before park hours. A day pass is $5 and an annual pass is $25.
Another citizen petition calls for the city to leave the ramp alone, neither paving it nor closing it to trailers:
“We, the undersigned, call on the City of Scandia to reject any attempts to close or limit the historical usage of Copas (Log House) Landing. We prefer the City either chooses the option of leaving the ramp alone with no changes; or the City install minor erosion control methods and DNR-style concrete planks on boat launch portion only. Both of these options retain the City’s ongoing commitment to typical maintenance and access to all user groups.”
All Log House Landing lovers are urged to attend the special city council hearing on April 25 at 6:30 p.m., at the Scandia Community Center. In making comments, people are asked to state their preference for one of the stated options and the reasons for that preference.
Comments may also be sent by email to mail@ci.scandia.mn.us or postal service to LHL Comments, 14727 209th St. N. Scandia, MN 55073.
The Council will discuss the options and may take final action at a special meeting on May 3, 2017.
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2 responses to “Input needed on future of Log House Landing’s boat ramp”
My husband and I would like the Old Log House landing to be left as is.