Friday, June 24
Spooner High School
801 County Hwy A
Spooner WI 54801
The Northwest Wisconsin Lakes Conference will feature twelve different breakout sessions on a wide variety of lake-related topics and issues. Sessions are presented by lake and natural resource-related nonprofit organizations and private business exhibitors.
This year’s keynote speaker is Peter Annin, co-director of the Northland College Mary Griggs Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation and author of Great Lakes Water Wars.
At-the-door registration still available. Online registration closed.
General Attendee $45
Student Attendee FREE
Includes continental breakfast, lunch, and conference materials.
8:00 am Registration, Continental Breakfast, and Exhibits
9:00 am Welcome, Opening Remarks, and Recognition–Jeremy Bates, WDNR
9:10 am Shallow Lake Weevil Monitoring/Rearing Project–Kela Vicich, Island City Academy
9:15 am Water Tension and The Great Lakes Compact–Peter Annin, environmental journalist and author
10:00 am Break
10:15 am SESSION I
Conservation Land Easements for Lakes–Bryan Pierce, Northwoods Land Trust
Aquatic Invasive Species Successes and New Threats–Bob Wakeman, WDNR
Lakeshore Habitat: Key to Protecting Your Lake–Patrick Goggin, UWEX
11:15 am Break
11:30 am SESSION II
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Implications for Lakes and Water Quality–Jason Fischbach, UWEX
Drawdown to Control Aquatic Invasive Species–Jim Krietlow, WDNR
Lake Restoration: Before and After–Carol LeBreck, Bony Lake Assoc.; Travis Tulowitzky, Bayfield County Land and Water Conservation; and Sarah Boles, Northern Native Plantscapes
12:30 pm Luncheon and Exhibits
Shoreland Zoning Update:Impact of New State Statute on Northwest Wisconsin’s Lakes–Mike Engleson, Wisconsin Laks; Rob Schierman, Bayfield County Planning and Zoning; Jason Towne, Burnett County Zoning and Land Use; and Web Macomber, Washburn County Zoning
Wisconsin Aquatic Invasive Species Detection and Monitoring: Five Years 1,000 Lakes–Maureen Ferry, WDNR
Wisconsin Lake Leaders Program–Eric Olson, UWEX; Carol LeBreck, Bony Lake Assoc.; and Karen Engelbretson, KJE Design LLC
2:15 pm Break
2:30 pm SESSION IV
In a New Light: Life Changing Photography–Ben Thwaits, Northwest Passage
Northwest Wisconsin’s Raptors: Amazing Birds–Elsa Hansen, Cable Natural History Museum
Lake Association Communication–Karen Engelbretson, KJE Design LLC
3:30 pm Adjourn