Via the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources:

The Parks and Trails Division at the Department of Natural Resources is beginning the process of creating a master plan to guide future development and operations at St. Croix State Park.
Anyone interested in learning more about the state park and providing input for the master plan can attend an open house in the interpretive/visitor center near the park’s campground Thursday, June 16, 6:30 to 8 p.m.
The master plan will set the direction for the park for the next 15 to 20 years. It will include recommendations for managing natural and cultural resources and providing recreational and interpretive opportunities to park visitors.
If you cannot attend the open house and still want to provide input, you can use download the initial public input questionnaire. It asks:
- What natural and cultural resource elements in the state park are the most important to you?
- What topics or types of interpretive programming would you like to see offered at the state park?
- What do you like to do when you visit St. Croix State Park?
- What recreation facilities or opportunities would you like to see improved on or added to the state park?
- Are there connections to other opportunities nearby that would interest you when visiting the state park?
After the open house, a citizen advisory committee will be formed to help identify issues and consider recommendations for the management plan. The committee will meet 3-4 times at the state park over the following months.
If you would like participate in the citizen advisory committee, please contact Jade Templin, principal planner, via or 651-259-5598.
St. Croix State Park, established in 1943, is the largest Minnesota state park, with more than 34,000 acres of forests, prairie, wetlands and river shoreline. With many of its buildings and other facilities designed by the National Park Service and built by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the park has been designated a National Historic Landmark. After a 2011 windstorm caused significant damage, the park has been the focus of numerous restoration efforts.
The park has miles of trails for hikers, horseback riders, bicyclists, snowmobilers and cross-country skiers. Visitors can canoe, boat and fish on the St. Croix River – a National Scenic Riverway – and on the Kettle River, a State Wild and Scenic River. For overnight visitors, there are three campgrounds, a horse campground, group camps, cabins and three modern group centers. The park also has a picnic area, a swimming beach and a fire tower that visitors can climb for a panoramic view of the surrounding area. The Matthew Lourey State Trail, which winds through the park, is open to hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking and snowmobiling.
More than 272,000 people visited St. Croix State Park in 2015 (making it Minnesota’s 10th most visited state park) and more than 40,500 of them stayed overnight.
The park is located 20 miles east of Hinckley on state Highway 48. For information, visit the park page.
For information about the open house or management plan, contact Jade Templin, principal planner, 651-259-5598 or