Via the St. Croix River Association:

Mark your calendars for the St. Croix River Association’s 2016 Annual Meeting. The evening will kick off with a social hour, followed by the official SCRA Business Meeting for members. We’ll come together for dinner and a program highlighted with a talk by Richard Hamilton Smith on pipeline safety. In addition, the St. Croix Stewardship Awards will be presented. Registration is required. We hope you’ll join us!

Pipeline Safety: Is there a Better Way?
Does tar sands oil need to be piped through some of the most pristine waters of our states? Richard Smith is spokesperson for Friends of the Headwaters (FOH), a citizen’s group formed to oppose Enbridge’s proposed new oil pipelines through both Minnesota’s and Wisconsin’s headwaters lakes and river country, and he may have a better way.
He will present FOH’s “common sense” reasoning for moving these pipelines away from these precious water resources.
Richard Hamilton Smith‘s award-winning photographs have been featured in Audubon, Smithsonian, National Geographic, Outside, Orion, National Wildlife, Outdoor Photographer, Minnesota Conservation Volunteer, and many other publications. (In fact, when the St. Croix and Namekagon Rivers were designated as Wild & Scenic, Richard guided a National Geographic photographer for a special issue about the inaugural rivers. A few of Richard’s photos also made it into the publication.)
In addition to his editorial work and five books of nature photography, Smith works on commercial assignments all over the world—from Turkey to Thailand. Home is a small farm in the lake country of northern Minnesota.
May 6, 2016
5:30 p.m.
Water Street Inn
101 Water St. S., Stillwater, MN 55082
Please register by May 1. Questions? Call 715-483-3300 or email