Via the Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway:

“New Light Under the Surface,” a new exhibit at the St. Croix River Visitor Center in St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, is on display through June 14.
The exhibit features underwater photography by the young men of Northwest Passage II, a residential treatment facility in Frederic, Wisconsin, for adolescents who are challenged by emotional and mental health issues. During the summer of 2014, seven youth went under the surface of the St. Croix and Namekagon rivers to capture amazing images of the aquatic environment and to explore one path toward healing. (Editor: Read St. Croix 360’s recent article about the program.)
“These young men accomplished something special,” said Ben Thwaits, coordinator of the program at Northwest Passage. “They not only created stunning photos in a really challenging photographic environment, but they also demonstrated and articulated how immersion in these rivers had a major impact on their perspectives and their therapeutic journey. The experience was transformative.”
“New Light Under the Surface” is the latest chapter of the “In A New Light” program at Northwest Passage. Focused on therapeutic nature photography, “In a New Light” emphasizes skilled expressive arts training and nature immersion, ultimately empowering marginalized youth to define themselves by their strengths rather than their weaknesses.
The St. Croix River Visitor Center is located at 401 North Hamilton Street in St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin. It is open 9:00 to 5:00 daily with free admission. For additional information, call (715) 483-2274 or visit