Watch Live: St. Croix River Water Quality Presentation

Grab your lunch and join in to watch a conversation about algae blooms and water quality.




< 1 minute read

[Please note: Archive video may be available at a later date.]

Grab your lunch today and join the St. Croix River Association for the first in a series of winter monthly water forums. Dr. Richard Kiesling with the U.S. Geological Survey will be talking about algae blooms and the water quality of the St. Croix.

Richard is an aquatic ecologist and limnologist who works for the U.S. Geological Survey, and has been part of the team leading monitoring efforts throughout the St. Croix watershed. His current research interests include: modeling the effects of land use and hydrology modifications on nutrient fate and transport in watershed-lake systems; linking spatial analysis of watersheds with mechanistic, biological response models; developing nutrient criteria through the use of predictive biological models; developing and testing indicators of stream trophic status in response to watershed eutrophication; and documenting the fate and transport of endocrine disruptors and other emerging contaminants in lakes under the influence of nonpoint and shallow groundwater sources.


Thursday, Dec. 11, noon to 1 p.m.