The controversial Tiller/Zavoral gravel mine next to the river in Scandia is commencing operation. Work has been visible at the site since September, including excavation, construction of internal roads, and construction of a new turn lane on Highway 95 at the intersection with Highway 97.
This week, the company expects to begin hauling gravel from the mine. The Pioneer Press reports:
The number of trucks hauling will vary from day to day, but the permit allows a daily average of 334 to 400 round trips and a daily maximum of 600 round trips.
Because of the early sunset, operating hours are expected to be 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fridays. The initial period of hauling is expected to end Dec. 20, Myers said.
The permits issued by the city allow the company to mine until December 2016. The Pioneer Press also reported that the mine has been the subject of three noise complaints from residents since prep work began in September.