The cities of Taylors Falls, MN and St. Croix Falls, WI will show once again that the St. Croix River unites – rather than divides – them this weekend at the 55th annual Wannigan Days.
The festival is named after the floating sleeping quarters and cook shack – a wannigan – which would travel with lumberjacks as they brought the logs to the mill during spring logging drives more than 100 years ago.
Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway staffer Kevin Iverson wrote the following in a blog post about Wannigan Days in 2012:
As a symbol of that era, a wannigan provides a modern connection to the river’s rough and tumble logging past. Since the last wannigan passed over “The Falls of the St. Croix” well over a century ago, their contribution to history seems less important to us. Even the falls themselves are just a memory, long since covered by the waters of a hydro-electric dam. It is obvious from the surviving images that wannigans were never meant to last, and their passing is in keeping with the changing nature of the St. Croix. Celebrate with us every July with three big days of music, food, beer, wine, and lots of family fun!
Full information about Wannigan Days is available at wannigans.com.
Event Schedule
Thursday, July 18
- 4 pm Pokemon Club meets at Library
- 5 pm – 7 pm Library Book Sale Pre-View with Wine & Cheese
Friday, July 19
- 8 am Wannigan Days Scavenger Hunt Begins (katie@signexpress.com for more info)
- 10 am – 6 pm Library Book Sale
- 4 pm food beer and wine open at the overlook
- 6:30 pm Upside Downers Band perform – the #1 local band
- 9 pm – 12 am Kids Movies on the lawn next to festival theatre
- 9 pm Sew Good Improve Live – Festival Theatre Show
- 9:30 pm Hitchville Band performs – THE #1 Country Music Band in the Midwest
- 9:30 pm Family Movie at Folsom House in Taylors Falls
Saturday, July 20
- 8 am Fitness Events
- 10 am Beer Food & Wine open
- 10 am Arts & Crafts Fair Opens
- 10 am – 6 pm Library Book Sale
- 12 pm Mayor’s Hello
- 12 pm River Valley Cloggers perform
- 1 – 4 pm Annual WD Talent Show – register in advance at Royal Credit Union, Festival Theatre, Bont Chiropractic or Menagerie Salon ($5 registration Fee)
- 2 pm A Midsummer Nights Dream at Festival Theatre
- 4 pm Men’s & Women’s Choruses
- 6 pm Bi-State Parade
- 7 pm Rex Cactus performs
- 7:15 pm Cake Walk on SCF MainStreet at Pins & Needles (immediately following Parade)
- 7:30 Street Dance At Romayne’s on Main Sports Bar and Grill, Taylors Falls
- 8:00 pm The Dalles House Outdoor Extravaganza featuring Raging Wood & The Bad Girlfriends. Outside will feature a full bar, food all night, shot girls, and giveaways in the north parking lot!
- 8:30 pm Kurt Jorgenson Band at the Overlook – The #1 blues, soul band in the area
- 10 pm the best fireworks show in the valley at the overlook
- 10:30 pm Rock ‘n Roll Bingo under the tent
- 11pm to 2:30 The Dalles House Indoors Wannigan Days Party featuring The Scalded Hounds
Sunday, July 21
- 2 pm A Midsummer Nights Dream at Festival Theatre
- 3 pm Mini-Golf Tournament