Drifting down the St. Croix on Saturday, I saw our world get a little bigger and a lot more interesting for kids of all ages. The second annual St. Croix Sojourn let folks float along, stopping at their own pace at islands, sandbars and on the banks to learn about logging, mussels, volcanoes and glaciers, invaders, and so much more.
Opportunities like this are what the St. Croix River Association is all about.
At Osceola Landing, we offered yet more educational opportunities, as well as snacks and beverages for paddlers coming off the river. Like the paddlers, we love the St. Croix, and the more we learn about it, the more we appreciate our very special river.
The Sojourn kicked off the annual River Awareness Week, something the River Association has been organizing for more than a decade. Traditionally a time for clean-up trips, it is getting bigger every year. In addition to the paddle tour on Saturday, Hudson, Wisconsin is coming together as a community to celebrate the river with it’s multi-day RiverFest.
I encourage everyone to get involved in river stewardship this week:
- Help pick up trash on the river – Whether during an organized clean-up or on your own.
- Celebrate the St. Croix – Head to Hudson for one of the great events.
- Support the River Association – As a nonprofit, we need everyone who loves the river to chip in.
The River Association’s mission is to protect, restore and celebrate the St. Croix River and its watershed. With an approach based on partnerships, SCRA is working to achieve a vision for the St. Croix as a place where:
- Waters run free and clean.
- Habitat remains plentiful to sustain our unique and diverse flora and fauna.
- People have access to our National Park and the park flourishes.
- Towns throughout the basin thrive and people celebrate the River.

You read a lot about what we are doing on behalf of the river on St. Croix 360 and the St. Croix River Facebook page. Our projects include work to reduce runoff and improve water quality and preserving land essential for river access and wildlife. We’re also proud to support the communication efforts Greg Seitz is doing with St. Croix 360.
The St. Croix is beloved by thousands of people. It’s a magical river, with something new to discover around every bend. Please consider supporting the St. Croix River Association during River Awareness Week, so we can keep working together to keep this river great for everyone, including the youngsters we saw swimming and smiling on Saturday.
Please make a tax-deductible donation today to ensure the St. Croix stays clean and beautiful for future generations.