Via the St. Croix Valley Interpreters Association:

Join the St. Croix Valley Interpreters as they present or host special birding activities throughout the Valley. This is the Valley kick-off for International Migratory Bird Day!
Activities will be going on Valley-wide, so take a day, explore the valley, and learn some new things about birds, migration and some of the opportunities that the Valley has to offer!
Afton State Park – Afton, MN
Birds, Birds, Birds
Meet at the visitor center
8:00 a.m.– 9:30 a.m.
Join a naturalist to learn the basics of using binoculars and spotting birds in the wild. Put your new skills to use on a birding walk that will help you identify some of the many birds in Afton!
Willow River State Park – Hudson, WI
Meet at the gravel parking lot by the Group Sites
6:30 p.m.
Bring your binoculars and bird book as we enjoy a spring evening on the prairie as you hike along one of our bluebird trails in the park. Learn about the beautiful Eastern Bluebird and other birds that live in the prairie area. The hike will last about 45 minutes.
William O’Brien State Park – Marine, MN
Bird Scavenger Hunt
Meet at the Visitor Center
10:00 a.m.
With camera in hand, let’s find different signs of birds that live in William O’ Brien State Park. See if you are one of the first ones to get everything checked off on your list! Bring your own digital camera, or one will be provided for your use. There are a limited number of cameras, so please sign‐up at the park office.
What’s Tweeting in the Park!
Meet at the Visitor Center
1:00 p.m.
This beginning bird walk will help you get started in the wonderful world of bird watching! Learn some of the tips and tricks to finding that elusive bird and learn some common calls of the birds in the area. Bring your own binoculars and bird book or one will be provided for your use. (1‐mile walk with 1 hill) See you there!
Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway headquarters – St. Croix Falls, WI
Migration ‐ Beyond the Bottom of the Page
Everett Janssen, Kids Saving the Rainforest
Meet at the Visitor Center
10:00 a.m.
The call of a songbird is perhaps one of the true signs of spring, and over one hundred bird species migrate between Central and South America the Upper Midwest each year. Annual migrations like this are global, as are the realities of climate, finance and politics. With species and habitat at risk, it will take more than a local solution to make a difference. The St. Croix National Scenic Riverway, along with other national parks in the Upper Midwest, is in the process of forming a sister park relationship with Corcovado National Park in Costa Rica. Join us as Everett Janssen shares a perspective from Costa Rica on finding solutions that will be effective.
Wisconsin Interstate State Park – St. Croix Falls, WI
Special Birding Program
7 a.m.– 9 a.m.
Meet at the Pines Group Camp
Join special guest birder, Brian Collins, as he takes you on a sight and sound birding walk on the Silverbrook Trail! Bring your bird book and binoculars!
Meet Aztec the Live Owl
10:00 a.m.
Meet at the Ice Age Visitor Center
Learn about the many adaptations of owls and meet one too!
Bring your camera!
The Owl and the Mouse
11:00 a.m.
Meet at the Skyline Shelter
Join us for this fun family activity!
Round Robin
1pm– 3pm
Meet at the Ice Age Visitor Center
Bird fun for everyone! Drop‐in activities at the Visitor Center!
Minnesota Interstate State Park – Taylors Falls, MN
Birding for Beginners
Meet at the boat landing amphitheater
8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
The madness of spring migration is upon us, and this is the perfect time to try your hand at bird watching. All you need is a sense of enthusiasm, and the naturalist will supply the rest (binoculars,field guides, etc.). After sharing quick tips for binocular use and bird identification, we’ll take a one-mile walk near the St. Croix River looking and listening for winged wonders. All ages and experience levels are welcome.
Bird Sleuth Geocaching
Meet at the boat landing amphitheater
11 a.m. – noon
Combine the fun of geocaching and the challenge of bird watching during this special program. A naturalist will share the basics of how to use a park‐provided GPS unit, as well as a few bird ID tips and tricks before you set off in search of hidden birds within the park.
Wild River State Park – Amelund, MN
National Migratory Bird Day Paddle
Meet at the main boat landing at 8 a.m.
8 a.m. – Noon
Paddle nine miles ofthe St. Croix River with local bird enthusiasts to celebrate Migratory Bird Day and discover the often overlooked feathered friends along the way. Seven canoes are available for free for the first registrants, but you are welcome to bring your own. The paddle will be limited to 10 canoes/kayaks. Registration required by calling (651) 583‐2125 x227. Cost is $10 per person for shuttling. Visit our website for more details. Children and beginner paddlers are welcome, but some experience is recommended.
Crex Meadows Wildlife Area – Grantsburg, WI
Meet at the Education Center
8:00 a.m.
A Birding Bonanza
Join expert birders as they explore the wetlands and prairies for spring migrant and returning resident birds. The tour is Saturday, May 4 from 8 ‐ 10 a.m. Carpool from the Education Center. $5/person. Registration required by calling 715‐463‐2739. The first 10 people may reserve space in the van.