Via the St. Croix River Association (a St. Croix 360 partner):

We heard from a lot of people that they wanted to do the trip last spring but were unable to participate, and with such a wonderful reception by the local businesses and organizations, who could say no? The route will be very similar to the 2012 paddle, with paddling by kayak or canoe on the Namekagon River for six days, for a total of 92 miles.
This journey begins in Cable, WI. The route promises a diverse experience. The river can be primitive and remote, very narrow and wild over some stretches. Other reaches the river runs wider and slower, and flows through more populated areas. We merge with the St. Croix River on the final day, with take out at the Riverside Landing near Danbury.
More than just a canoe trip
This is a partially supported event, we haul your overnight gear, offer shuttle service from Danbury to the put in spot in Cable, and supply enough kitchen equipment for you to cook your evening meals if you so choose.
Registered participants will also have discounts to local eateries and educational events along the route and in the evenings. Expect to unplug and reconnect with the natural world. You’ll challenge yourself, be inspired, and build lasting relationships with a new community of paddlers.
Namekagon River communities will welcome you, sharing unique personalities. You will explore a national park and see an abundance of wildlife. Every night you can expect to camp, with educational programs to inspire you.
Registration will open November 15, and be limited to 80 participants. Visit the official paddle website for details and to sign up.