Asian carp updates

New efforts are underway to protect the St. Croix River from the invasive carp, including an opportunity for individuals to take action.




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Conservation news on St. Croix 360 is supported by the St. Croix River Association, which works to protect, restore and celebrate the St. Croix River and its watershed.

An invasive Silver carp,As the threat of Asian carp looms over the lower St. Croix River valley, the fight to keep them out is intensifying on several fronts, including education, science, and advocacy.

1. New website for citizens to take action

The Asian Carp Coalition recently launched, which provides both education and steps for individuals to act.

The featured action is to send a letter to President Obama asking him to include the Mississippi and its tributaries (including the St. Croix, of course) in funding to fight Asian carp.

We strongly believe now is the time to act to protect Minnesota’s vast water ad wildlife resources and quality of life. Join with us and add your voice to our combined thousands of members and supporters in asking our elected officials to lead the way in taking immediate action on Asian Carp.  There are many ways to get involved and help on this critical issue.

Take action »

2. Identification video

A new video shows how to identify the types of Asian carp which threaten the St. Croix. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Midwest Region production compares the invasive fish to the native grass and common carps.

3. Questions about eDNA testing

A task force of scientists from state and federal agencies are questioning the accuracy of the type of water testing which recently found evidence of Asian carp high up the St. Croix. The group tested water from lakes free of the carp, but one lab still reported a positive result:

There is a high likelihood this is a false positive which creates uncertainty about previous results.   The percentage of positives in the 2012 samples was much lower than previous samples suggesting there may have been a mix of real and false positive samples in 2011.   This does not minimize eDNA testing as an important tool for detecting Asian carp, but it does emphasize the need to determine the source of false positives and to review and modify sampling and analytical procedures.

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